Deep Sky Imaging Kit


Having owned an HEQ5 pro a few years back i have bought a new one, to complement the Vixen AP when GOTO and dual axis guiding is needed.


A new Vixen AP-SM mount has arrived as a grab and go platform. It will be used with my standard imaging setup:

  • William Optics GT81 Triplet Apo;
  • Canon 1000D DSLR, minus the standard IR filter but with an Astronomik CLS filter instead;
  • Kendrick DigiFire 10 Dew Heater.
Vixen AP-SM mount on a APP-TL130 tripod, with GT81
Vixen AP-SM mount on a APP-TL130 tripod, carrying a WO GT81 refractor.

Here are a few pictures of the AP:

Vixen AP Micro USB
Vixen AP Micro USB


Vixen AP on APP-TL130 Tripod
Vixen AP on APP-TL130 Tripod
Vixen APP-TL130 Tripod
Vixen APP-TL130 Tripod


Vixen AP Starbook One Autoguider Port
Vixen AP Starbook One Autoguider Port


Vixen AP Counterweight
Vixen AP Counterweight


Vixen AP Azimuth Adjustment Bolts
Vixen AP Azimuth Adjustment Bolts


Vixen APP-TL130 Tripod
Vixen APP-TL130 Tripod


Vixen AP Polar Axis
Vixen AP Polar Axis


Vixen AP Hotshoe and Polar Scope Thread
Vixen AP Hotshoe and Polar Scope Thread


Vixen AP Dovetail
Vixen AP Dovetail


Vixen AP Dec Slow Motion
Vixen AP Dec Slow Motion


Vixen AP Starbook One Red Light
Vixen AP Starbook One Red Light


Vixen AP Starbook One
Vixen AP Starbook One


Vixen AP-SM RA Motor
Vixen AP-SM RA Motor


Vixen AP Battery Compartment
Vixen AP Battery Compartment


Vixen AP Polar Scope
Vixen AP Polar Scope


Vixen AP Polar Scope Reticle
Vixen AP Polar Scope Reticle


Previously the deep sky shots were taken with Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount.

Here is that setup in the sunshine, waiting for the night:

William Optics GT81 on a HEQ5 Pro mount

For a quick look at the night sky I have recently bought a Vixen Porta II mount, which allows me to be observing in a couple of minutes. I had some concerns that the aluminium tripod might be flimsy compared to the HEQ5’s steel legs, but in fact it gives the perfect balance of stability and portability, especially for a short-tube refractor.

Grab and Go GT81

The GT81 is a scope to admire during the daytime, or if the clouds roll in.

Some of the older pics used a WO Megrez 90 or Equinox 120ED; both great scopes now with new owners.

Here is the Megrez with our cat Sid. Normally he works the laptop.

Megrez 90 with Sid the Maine Coon