Named Stars

Canon 18-55mm kit lens distortion at 55mm f/5.6
Canon 18-55mm kit lens distortion at 55mm f/5.6. Betelgeuse captured in the upper half of the frame. Not so good!
6 best double stars using a Skymax 127 Maksutov.

Castor A, B and C!

Castor A, B and C taken with a C90 + 700D. 1.4s at ISO 400.

Epsilon Lyrae taken with a Celestron C90 and a x2 Barlow.

Sirius, the Dog Star

Sirius, the Dog Star. The brightest star in the sky.

Rigel in Orion.

Rigel in Orion.



Castor - one twin from Gemini

Castor – one twin from Gemini. A double star, but you wouldn’t know it from this image.