Having owned an HEQ5 pro a few years back i have bought a new one, to complement the Vixen AP when GOTO and dual axis guiding is needed.

A new Vixen AP-SM mount has arrived as a grab and go platform. It will be used with my standard imaging setup:
- William Optics GT81 Triplet Apo;
- Canon 1000D DSLR, minus the standard IR filter but with an Astronomik CLS filter instead;
- Kendrick DigiFire 10 Dew Heater.
Here are a few pictures of the AP:

Previously the deep sky shots were taken with Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount.
Here is that setup in the sunshine, waiting for the night:
For a quick look at the night sky I have recently bought a Vixen Porta II mount, which allows me to be observing in a couple of minutes. I had some concerns that the aluminium tripod might be flimsy compared to the HEQ5’s steel legs, but in fact it gives the perfect balance of stability and portability, especially for a short-tube refractor.
The GT81 is a scope to admire during the daytime, or if the clouds roll in.
Some of the older pics used a WO Megrez 90 or Equinox 120ED; both great scopes now with new owners.
Here is the Megrez with our cat Sid. Normally he works the laptop.